Project M is an app that lets you watch videos from different platforms (youtube, streamable etc.) in sync with other users. Videos are kept in a playlist and so every logged in user can add a video in advance. Users with administrator capabilities can skip, pause/play and rewind videos - that too will happen in sync with others. Also, when user joins and video is playing already, video time is going to adjust based on leader’s player state.
The app has been boostrapped with Create T3 App that provides a really cool boilerplate to start a monorepo project.
It uses the following technologies:
- Typescript - obviously… Typescript is a must have
- Next.js - handles a lot of things for us like SSR, image optimization and routing
- tRPC - lets us create end-to-end typesafe API’s without any code generation and bloat
- Prisma - Prisma is an ORM for TypeScript, that allows you to define your database schema and models and then generate a type-safe client that can be used to interact with your database from your backend
- NextAuth - handles the authorization, sessions etc. of users
Please, refer to Create T3 App docs to read more about the file structure and how that exactly works.
Besides, Project M is using following technologies:
Planetscale - our database that holds user and playlist information
- (with - handles the communication between server and clients to sync them
zustand - handles global state of the app
react-player - handles parsing urls and displaying proper video players
MUI - handles theming and gives us a variety of prebuilt components that are highly customizable
zod - typescript first schema validator
dayjs - utility library to handle dates
react-toastify - handles the popup messages in the corner of the app
simplebar (with simplebar-react) - handles the scrollbars to ensure the compatibility across all browsers
Leader flow
The whole synchronization is based on so called leader. This concrete entity serves as the source of truth when it comes to the state of video player.
The flow works as follows:
When there is noone on the page, first user that joins is set as the leader automatically.
When there is already a user on the page (that means this user is the leader), and someone joins, we send the request to the leader to provide current time of the video for the joining user.
When user is a leader and he leaves the page couple of things are checked:
First we check if there are any users with admin privileges, if so random one from the list of administators is selected as the new leader.
If there are no administrators on the page, random user without admin privilages is selected.
Administrators can see the current leader, and can become one (there is no difference if current leader is regular user or admin).
This app uses i18n
as a translation solution, so all of the page text is represented as keys which correspond to certain translation. We hold both english
and polish
translations in translations
Local storage thingies
We save users currently selected volume of the player, and the value of the chat (if it’s toggled on or off) in the local storage, so that we can restore the values when user joins the next time.